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1. 金属材料增材与焊接性分析

2. 增材与焊接结构疲劳断裂行为与评定理论研究

3. 增材与焊接结构疲劳强化理论研究


2018.12-至今 太原理工大学 tyc1286太阳成集团 副教授;
2017.08-2018.08 美国宾州州立大学 机械工程学院 访问学者;
2015.01-2018.12 太原理工大学 tyc1286太阳成集团 讲师;
2011.9-2014.12 太原理工大学材料加工系,博士研究生学习,获博士学位;










1. 矿山国产药芯或实芯焊丝替代进口药芯焊丝技术攻关,2023年。

2. 基于熵演变的DZ2高铁车轴钢超高周疲劳断裂行为与评定理论研究,山西省应用基础研究面上项目,2022年。

3. TQ系列高强钢疲劳断裂行为研究,横向课题, 2022年

4. 基于能量耗散镁合金非均质接头微区疲劳裂纹扩展机制及多尺度分析与表征(51505322),国家自然科学基金项目, 2016.01-2018.12
5. 镁合金非均质接头超高周疲劳行为视听协同表征及寿命评定理论研究(201801D221137),山西省应用基础研究项目,2018.12-2020.12
6. 太钢技术中心CTOD性能检测,横向课题, 2014-01


1. Fatigue fracture characterization of magnesium alloy and its welding joints based on the temperature evolution(专著)

2. Zhan-cheng Wei, Zhi-feng Yan, Jin-wen Zhang, Hong-xia Zhang,Zhi-xiang Wang, Wen-xian Wang.Research on failure behavior of 18CrNiMo7-6 steel. Engineering Failure Analysis. 150 (2023) 107306.

3. Xiuli He, Zhifeng Yan, Hongyu Liang, Denghui Wang. Corrosion fatigue acoustic emission characteristics and evaluation of friction stir welding joints of AZ31 magnesium alloy in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2023; 25:4582-4594.

4. Qinglu Zhao, Zhifeng Yan, Shubang Wang, Jinwen Zhang, Hongxia Zhang, Xiuli He,Zhixiang Wang, Hongwei Zhang, Wenxian Wang. Study on fatigue temperature evolution and failure behavior of Q460 steel. Journal of Materials Research and Technology 27 (2023) 4378–4389.

5. Ming-zhu Han, Hong-xia Zhang, Zhi-feng Yan, Ke-wei Li , Wen-xian Wang. Improving fatigue properties of 18CrNiMo7-6 steel bysurface strengthening. Materials Letters 328 (2022) 133200.

6. 闫志峰, 王卓然, 王树邦, 张红霞, 贺秀丽, 董鹏. AZ31 镁合金双面对称搅拌摩擦焊接头疲劳性能. 焊接学报. 2022, 43(6): 61-68.

7. Shu-bang Wang, Zhi-feng Yan, Hong-xia Zhang, Xiu-li He, Peng Dong, Wen-xian Wang, Zhuo-ran Wang. Acoustic and thermal energy evolution of AZ31Bmagnesium alloy under static tensile deformation. Journal of material sresearch and technology. 2022; 20: 1645-1658.

8. Jilong Geng, Zhifeng Yan*, Hongxia Zhang, Yongquan Liu, Peng Dong, Shuo Yuan and Wenxian Wang. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AZ31B Magnesium Alloy via Ultrasonic Surface Rolling Process. Advanced Engineering Materials. 2021,2100076,1-7.
9.Yan Z , Wang D , He X , et al. Deformation Behaviors and Cyclic Strength Assessment of AZ31B Magnesium Alloy Based on Steady Ratcheting Effect[J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2018:S0921509318303599.(IF=4.0)
10.Zhifeng Y , Denghui W , Wenxian W , et al. Ratcheting Strain and Microstructure Evolution of AZ31B Magnesium Alloy under a Tensile-Tensile Cyclic Loading[J]. Materials, 2018, 11(4):513-.(IF=2.9, 3区)
11.Yan Z F , Zhang H X , Wang W X , et al. Temperature evolution mechanism of AZ31B magnesium alloy during high-cycle fatigue process[J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2014, 70:30-38.(IF=2.8, 3区)
12. Yan Z , Zhang H , Duan J , et al. Effect of post-weld heat treatment on mechanical characteristics of AZ31 magnesium alloy welded joints[J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. 2017, 32(5):1205-1212.(IF=0.6, 4区)
13. Yan Z , Zhang H , Chen P , et al. Anisotropy of fatigue behavior and tensile behavior of 5A06 aluminum alloy based on infrared thermography[J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater Sci Ed, 2017, 32(1):155-161.(IF=0.6, 4区)
14. Yan Z F , Zhang H X , Wang W X , et al. Temperature evolution and fatigue life evaluation of AZ31B magnesium alloy based on infrared thermography[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2013, 23(7):1942-1948.(IF=2.3, 2区)
15. Yan, Zhifeng, He, et al. Fatigue Assessment of Welded Joints in AZ31B Magnesium Alloy by a Critical Plane Method[J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2014.(IF=0.38, 4区)
16. W, X, Wang, et al. Temperature evolution in magnesium alloy during static and cyclic loading[J]. Materials Science and Technology: MST: A publication of the Institute of Metals, 2014. 2014.(IF=1.9, 4区)
17. Guo, Shaofei, Zhou, Yaguo, Zhang, Hongxia, Yan, Zhifeng, Wang, Wenxian, Sun, Kun, Li, Yuanda.Thermographic analysis of the fatigue heating process for AZ31B magnesium alloy[J].Materials & Design,2015,65:1172-1180. (IF=5.7, 2区)
18. Xiao-Qing L , Hong-Xia Z , Zhi-Feng Y , et al. Fatigue life prediction of AZ31B magnesium alloy and its welding joint through infrared thermography[J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2013, 67-68(5):46-52.(IF=2.8, 3区)
19. Zhang H X , Wei C Y , Yan Z F , et al. Research on fatigue crack propagation behaviour of 4003 ferritic stainless steel based on infrared thermography[J]. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2016, 39(2):206-216.(IF=2.5, 3区)


1. 闫志峰;王树邦;张锦文;张红霞;王之香;王文先. 一种预拉伸与表面机械滚压复合提升材料疲劳性能的方法. ZL2023102184155

2. 闫志峰, 董鹏, 王文先, et al. 超纯铁素体不锈钢均质热影响区材料制备方法. ZL 201610139180.0
3. 闫志峰, 董鹏, 王文先, et al. 耐热高强镁合金材料的制备方法,ZL201610139196.1
4. 闫志峰, 董鹏,张红霞, et al. 一种基于镁合金电子束焊接试样疲劳裂纹扩展的分析方法, ZL201710065938.5


1. 金属材料棘轮演变疲劳极限评定系统, 太原理工大学,2021SR1785439

2. 金属材料裂纹扩展速率“视、听”协同分析软件, 太原理工大学,2021SR1785671

3. 金属材料疲劳断裂评定软件, 太原理工大学,2021SR2001058

4. 金属材料疲劳极限的声发射评定软件, 太原理工大学,2021SR2001084

5. 金属材料疲劳极限的温度演变评定软件, 太原理工大学,2021SR2000768


TSXMES 14—2022金属材料 疲劳极限测试 表面温度评定法


1. 基于温度演变的金属材料疲劳极限快速评定技术. 山西省教科文卫体系统“五小”创新大赛三等奖,2021年

2. 赵振铎, 范光伟, 王文先, 柳阳, 闫志峰, 李莎, 丁敏, 刘春来, 资源节约型高性能铁素体不锈钢焊接关键技术创新与产业化应用. 山西省科技进步奖,二等. 2021

2. 王文先、陈洪胜、王保东、闫志峰、陈焕明、武翘楚. 核电站燃料仓复合屏蔽材料设计与制造技术研究. 山西省科学技术发明奖,一等. 2023.02.

联系方式电话:15035127321     QQ: 258440759         Email: yanzhifeng@tyut.edu.cn